Dixie Rogers
Fine Art


Commissioned Work

Portrait Paintings

Prices begin at $450 for an 11" x 14"

Many additional canvas sizes also are available.
Travel expenses, if necessary, are additional. High quality prints on stretched canvas or paper are available on most paintings.
For more information e-mail dixie_robin@sbcglobal.net.


  1. Dixie will meet with you to plan the size, pose, setting and mood of the portrait. She will gladly look at clothing selections and offer suggestions. If you have a special photo that you would like to use, she will be happy to look at it and decide if it will be a good source for your painting.

  2. If photographs are necessary, she will meet with you and take several reference photos of the subject in various poses and lighting situations.

  3. Dixie will then meet with you, or email, several compositional plans for you to choose from. She believes there are several excellent ways to paint an individual and you will be involved in the decision before the painting has begun.

  4. After a composition is selected, The painting is started in her studio. The portrait is completed in the studio and brought to the client. She will also help in the selection of a frame, if desired.

For the smaller budgets, ask about a wonderful charcoal portrait.
  Other Commissions Dixie loves to make beautiful paintings from your special photos.
A memorable sunset, flower blossom or favorite heirloom can become an original oil painting to bring joy to your home.


Dixie Rogers is a professional graphic designer and fine artist. She lives in Little Rock, Arkansas.

For information email dixie_robin@sbcglobal.net.


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